Your votes made it official; Mitchell Golden was added for Sunday’s All Star game . Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play That gives the Swamp Bats eight, (count ‘em 8) EIGHT Swamp Bats on the North All Star roster. Golden joins outfielder Jacob Koos, Brandon Smith, catcher Alex Griffin, pitchers Griffin McGarry and Justin Willis and reserves Joe Breaux (who’s made some great catches in left and right field and been a terror as a base runner), reserve first baseman Cordell Dunn, Jr. Both Brandon Smith and Cordell Dunn deserve attention. In addition to being reluctant to pose for a portrait snapshot, Smith has moved from first to third without missing a beat, set the new single season league record for Runs Batted In and, has an outside chance for the single season HR title. Dunn has played as catcher, left and right field, first and third base and, Designated Hitter. Indeed, if he played for Kevin Cash, he’d have been brought in to pitch! Golden ...